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New Products



A flavonoid rich extract from Oroxylum indicum bark, standardized for a minimum of 10% Oroxylin A, 15% Baicalein and 6% Chrysin


A self-affirmed GRAS weight management ingredient, standardized for a minimum of 99% Calebin-A, a compound inspired by Turmeric


A stilbene rich extract from Cyperus rotundus root, standardized for a minimum of 6% total stilbenes (Piceatannol, Scirpusin-A, Scirpusin-B)


A unique blend of three scientifically validated natural ingredients – Curcumin C3 Complex®, Livinol® and BioPerine®


First ever EFSA approved novel food active metabolite of Curcuminoids, standardized for a minimum of 95% Tetrahydrocurcuminoids


A Super critical fluid (SCF) extract from the seeds of Nigella sativa (Black Cumin Seed), standardized for 5% and 20% Thymoquinone


Black Thai Ginger

A methoxy flavone rich extract from Kaempferia parviflora (Black ginger) rhizome, standardized for a minimum of 10% total methoxy flavones

Aged Garlic

An organosulfur rich extract from Allium sativum bulb (clove), containing 0.5% S-Allylcysteine


Mango Extract

A polyphenol rich extract from Mangifera indica (Mango) immature deseeded dry fruit, standardized for a minimum of 10% Polyphenols



Bakuchiol 99%

A retinol alternative extract from Psoralea corylifolia seeds, standardized for a minimum of 99% Bakuchiol

® – Registered Trademark of Sabinsa Corporation, USA
– Trademark of Sabinsa Corporation, USA


  • Sabinsa South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
    Belkev House
    20 Basalt Avenue
    Johannesburg 2031
    Republic of South Africa

  • +27 11 830 1459
  • +27 86 546 1252


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