BioPerine® - GRAS Affirmed Ingredients

BioPerine® - GRAS Affirmed Ingredients

Black Pepper Extract
Natural Bioavailability Enhancer of Nutrients

From its earliest usage abut 4000 years ago, pepper has reigned as the "King of spices" or "master spice"

GRAS determination of BioPerine® is a standardized extract prepared from the fruits of black pepper or long pepper

BioPerine® is off-white powder and the pricipal active ingredient of BioPerine® is piperine (>95%)

GRAS Self-Affirmed: April 2010 (as flavoring agent)

Use Level: Up to 15 ppm in Specified Foods

Safety Level: 13.32 mg/person/per day is safe


Baked Goods

Breakfast Cereals

Milk Products


Egg Products

Processed Vegetables

Soft Candy


Snack Foods

Non-alcoholic Beverages

Imitation Dairy Products

Hard Candy

Chewing Gum

Granulated Sugar

Seasonings & Flavors


US 5,536,506
US 6,054,585
US 5,744,161
US 5,972,382


  • Sabinsa South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
    Belkev House
    20 Basalt Avenue
    Johannesburg 2031
    Republic of South Africa

  • +27 11 830 1459
  • +27 86 546 1252


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