LactoSpore® - Probiotic of Choice

Probiotics are one of the few supplements that are popularized as a way to maintain ones health, as a whole. LactoSpore® is one such clinically validated and commercial probiotic preparation from Sabinsa, containing L(+) lactic acid producing microbial preparation from Bacillus coagulans, MTCC 5856 (earlier known to be Lactobacillus sporogenes). The human digestive tract contains about 400 different bacterial species that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. And lactic acid producing bacteria are the largest inhabitant group amongst all. LactoSpore® produces L(+) lactic acid, grows in the temperature range of 35 °C to 50 °C and the optimum pH range is 5.5–6.5.


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  • Sabinsa South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
    Belkev House
    20 Basalt Avenue
    Johannesburg 2031
    Republic of South Africa

  • +27 11 830 1459
  • +27 86 546 1252


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